Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 15, 2007 assignment

I viewed all the blogs you reccommended. But I found one appealing to me, Boarderland. He was humorus and what he said resonated with me. I found many of them too busy and I couldn't focus on them.

Many topics were covered in them, from education to personal interests. You learned things from what their interests were and what family members were like. To their political views on education and beyond.

Seemed to be a variety of purposes. From spewing off personal rants to providing a place to share and HEAR others. Providing a place for students to see how small and connected the world is. I see a useful purpose in much of that, in all of it actually. It is good to have a place to spew. And, it is good to have a meetin' place for thoughts and ideas. Students would like to communicate with teachers via blogs would be my guess. Especially if they were allowed to have a code name for posting, they could feel free to share without judgement.

Back to the Boderland Blog: I especially liked a couple quotes I'll share. Referring to laptops, "the don't drop those things problems" and saying until they design one with Fischer Price in mind it will be a problem. And talking about the problems we face when everyone can't do guided practice at the same time... Bryan, you face that every Thursday evening... I laughed like crazy when I read the good and bad things about sixth graders! I have mostly served sixth graders in my career.

In the Daily Grind blog the author mentioned a time when they were required to email their district office for some information, and rather than get the requested information electronically they had to, ironically, wait for snail mail...

The purpose for students to me right now is "MOTIVATION". I am becoming more motivated as I learn more and become competent.

1 comment:

Jana said...

I agree with your assessment of these blogs. Many are just a place to vent. (SPEW as you put it.) :)
And I also agree that blogs could be a very motivating thing for students. (OLDER students, not my 1sts)

Oh- very cute blog-link names for our classmates. Funny!